Recherche 43
E870b Stand up! stand up for Jesus (Alternate Tune) Classique
E874 Standing in the evil day Classique
E874b Standing in the evil day (Alternate Tune) Classique
E1286 The Lord has shown the way Classique
E884 The Son of God goes forth to war Classique
E1285 The faith which once for all was giv'n Classique
E887 The name of Jesus is our stand Classique
E1289 The vict'ry's won! The Lord has triumphed o'er the foe Classique
E875 Tis easy when the morning Classique
E880 To the foe my word is always, No Classique
E6411 We can promptly conquer the enemy Classique
E881 We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender Classique
E881b We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender (Alternate Tune) Classique
E876 When war is hot and fierce Classique
E8635 When you suffer Satan's temptings Classique
E894 Will you be an overcomer Classique
E8647 Will you be an overcomer (revised) Classique
E892 With all the pow'r in heav'n and earth Classique